The OfficialVirtualDJ Code of Conduct
1. This is a Contrat between you and OfficialVirtualDJ
The Code of Conduct outline's the rule's that you need to follow to ensure that are fun for everyone.
* Don't use OfficialVirtualDJ Site to do anything illegal. OfficialVirtualDJ is not responsible for anything you say on the service/
website or for anything that happen's because of what you say; you are alone are responsible.
*Don't harras, Abuse, or Spam other people on the site,
*Don't Threaten People or Stalk other player's
*Don't Distribute, Post, Publish, upload, dissemnate or discuss defamatory, infringing, obscene, sexual or other unlawful material's
like child pornography or illegal drug's including image's, audio, video or text's.
*Don't post link's to other website's that violate's the Code of Conduct.
*Don't give out your Information's that personally identifie's you (such as your real name, address, phone number, credit card number
etc.) while you're chatting. This include's voice chat's and the nam's you create during chat online box. This information's could be
used by other member's for illegal or harmful purpose's. Also don't give out information of other member's.
*Dont create a Name that other user's may be offended by, this include's comment's that look, sound like, stand for, hint at,
abbreviate, or insinuate any of the following': profane words/phrase's, sexually explicit language, sexual innuendo, hate speech
(including but not limited to racial, ethnic, or religious slur's), illegal drug's/ controlled substance's, or illegal activities.
*Don't create an Name that reference's controversial religious topic's, notorious people, orgranisations, or sensitive current or
historical event's that may also be consirded inappropiate.
*Don't post link's to material's that could harm other Member's that are Chatting, computer's or would allow others to inappropriately
access software's or website's.
*Don't impersonate or harass OfficialVirtualDJ's employee's, moderator's, or staff member's
If you Violate the Code of Conduct or the Terms of Use that you agreed to, action may be taken against your account. Some offence's warrant an Immediate account cancellation, including but not Limited to hacking, modding, severe racial remaker's, continued creation of profane Name's, and posting viruse's or URL's to viruse's. In addition , trying to avoid a temporary ban by creating a string of new account's may result in a permanent ban on the new user account and a possible escalation of punishment to the origial account and all related account's. if you create an inappropiate Name's then you maybe required to change it.
HOW CAN YOU AVOID GETTING INTO TROUBLE? That's Easy. Just follow the Rule's.
*Use your friend's to keep track of the people you would like to chat with.
*On the Site, choose an best Name's that you would like to prefer to keep and alway's chat with the name, (Think before you Type),
(If you think someelse is using the same name as you then you can report it easily by scrolling down and find the form called
"Report someone is using my name" and the submission will take about less than 1 minute for our employee's to help.
*Take a Break when you are tired talking to you're friend's (Just Say "Be Right Back" or "I am Tired Be Right Back").
*Send a Negative Feedback on the a user by scrolling down and find the "Negative Feedback" Form and complete it.
*If you find someone that you love to talk with then tell them "Let me have your MSN please?" then see what the chatter say's back
to you, "If he/she say's no then still you can come here and chat here all over again or continue chatting from last time".
*If you encounter an obnoxious player, you can report a bug by scrolling down and finding the form called "Encounter a Obnoxious
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4 years ago
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